-Specific tissue proteins 1 and 6 are involved in root biology during normal development and under symbiotic and pathogenic interactions in Medicago truncatula (2021). L. Albornos, V. Casado‑del‑Castillo, I. Martín, J. M. Díaz‑Mínguez, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Planta 253: 7 (JCR index 4.540. Ranking: 44/239, Q1).
-Pectic galactan affects cell wall architecture during secondary cell wall deposition (2020). M. Moneo-Sánchez, A. Vaquero-Rodríguez, J. Hernández-Nistal, L. Albornos, P. Knox, B. Dopico, E. Labrador, I. Martín. Planta 251: 100 (JCR index 4.116. Ranking: 40/235, Q1).
–Promoter activity of genes encoding the Specific Tissue protein family in the reproductive organs of Medicago truncatula (2019). L. Albornos, I. Martín, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Biologia Plantarum 63: 785-796. (JCR index 1.601. Ranking: 114/234, Q2).
-β-(1,4)-galactan remodelling in arabidopsis cell walls affects the xyloglucan structure during elongation (2019). M. Moneo‑Sánchez, A. Alonso‑Chico, J.P. Knox, B. Dopico, E. Labrador, I. Martín. Planta 249: 351-362. (JCR index 3.390. Ranking: 41/234, Q1).
-Overexpression of Cicer arietinum βIII-Gal but not βIV-Gal in Arabidopsis causes a reduction of cell wall β-(1,4)-galactan compensated by an increase in homogalacturonan (2018). I. Izquierdo, I. Martín, L. Albornos, J. Hernández-Nistal, P. Hueso, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Journal of Plant Physiology 231: 135-146. (JCR index 2.825. Ranking: 55/228, Q1).
-Three members of Medicago truncatula ST family (MtST4, MtST5 and MtST6) are specifically induced by hormones involved in biotic interactions (2018). L. Albornos, I. Martín, J. Hernández-Nistal, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Physiology Biochemistry 127: 496-505. (JCR index 3.404. Ranking: 38/228, Q1).
-Knockout mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana β-galactosidase (subfamily a1). Modifications in cell wall polysaccharides and enzymatic activities (2018). M. Moneo-Sánchez, L. Izquierdo, I. Martín, J. Hernández-Nistal, L. Albornos, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Biologia Plantarum 62: 80-88. (JCR index 1.384. Ranking: 120/228, Q3).
-Three members of Medicago truncatula ST family are ubiquitous during development and modulated by nutritional status (MtST1) and dehydration (MtST2 and MtST3) (2017). L. Albornos, I. Martín, E. Labrador, Dopico B. BMC Plant Biol. 17: 117. (JCR index 3.930. Ranking 19/222, D1).
-Subcellular location of Arabidopsis thaliana subfamily a1 β-galactosidases and developmental regulation of transcript levels of their coding genes (2016). M. Moneo-Sánchez, L. Izquierdo, I. Martín, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 109: 137-145 (JCR index 2.724. Ranking: 49/211, Q1).
-Organ accumulation and subcellular location of Cicer arietinum ST1 protein (2014). L. Albornos, J. Cabrera, J. Hernández-Nistal, I. Martín, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Sci. 224: 44-53 (JCR index 3.607. Ranking: 27/200, Q1).
-Coordinated action of β-galactosidases in the cell wall of embryonic axes during chickpea germination and seedling growth (2014). J. Hernández-Nistal, I. Martín, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Biol. 16: 404-410 (JCR index 2.663. Ranking: 48/200, Q1).
-Salicylic acid prevents Trichoderma harzianum from entering the vascular system of roots (2014). A. Alonso-Ramírez, J. Poveda, I. Martín, R. Hermosa, E. Monte, C. Nicolás. Mol. Plant Pathol. 15: 823-831 (JCR index 4.724. Ranking: 16/204, D1).
-βIII-Gal is involved in galactan reduction during phloem element differentiation in chickpea stems (2013). I. Martín, J. Hernández-Nistal, L. Albornos, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Cell Physiol. 54: 960-970 (JCR index 4.972. Ranking: 15/199, D1).
-Promoter activities of genes encoding β-galactosidases from Arabidopsis a1 subfamily (2012). L. Albornos, I. Martín, P. Pérez, R. Marcos, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 60: 223-232 (JCR index 2.775. Ranking: 40/195, Q1).
-ST proteins, a new family of plant tandem repeat proteins with a DUF2775 domain mainly found in Fabaceae and Asteraceae (2012). L. Albornos, I. Martín, R. Iglesias, T. Jiménez, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. BMC Plant Biology 12: 207 (JCR index 4.354. Ranking: 16/195, D1).
-The βI-galactosidase of Cicer arietinum is located in thickened cell walls such as those of collenchyma, sclerenchyma and vascular tissue (2011). I. Martín, T. Jiménez, J. Hernández-Nistal, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Biol. 13: 777-783 (JCR index 2.395. Ranking: 54/190, Q2).
-Abscisic acid delays chickpea germination by inhibiting water uptake and down-regulating genes encoding cell wall remodelling proteins (2010). J. Hernández-Nistal, I. Martín, R. Esteban, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Growth Reg. 61: 175-183. (JCR index 1.630. Ranking 70/188, Q2).
-The immunolocation of XTH1 in embryonic axes during chickpea germination and seedling growth confirms its function in cell elongation and vascular differentiation (2010). J. Hernández-Nistal, I. Martín, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. J. Exp. Bot. 61: 4231-4238. (JCR index 4.818. Ranking 12/188, D1).
-The location of the chickpea cell wall βV-galactosidase suggests involvement in the transition between cell proliferation and cell elongation (2009). I. Martín, T. Jiménez, J. Hernández-Nistal, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. J. Plant Growth Reg. 28: 1-11. (JCR index 2.438. Ranking 35/172, Q1).
-Two cell wall Kunitz trypsin inhibitors in chickpea during seed germination and seedling growth (2009). J. Hernández-Nistal, I. Martín, T. Jiménez, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 47: 181-187. (JCR index 2.485. Ranking 33/172, Q2).
-Immunolocalization of a cell wall β-galactosidase reveals its developmentally regulated expression in Cicer arietinum and its relationship to vascular tissue (2008). I. Martín, T. Jiménez, R. Esteban, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. J. Plant Growth Regul. 27: 181-191. (JCR index 2.109. Ranking 38/156, Q1).
-The accumulation of a Kunitz trypsin inhibitor from chickpea (TPI-2) located in cell walls is increased in wounded leaves and elongating epicotyls (2008). T. Jiménez, I. Martín, J. Hernández-Nistal, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Physiol. Plant. 132: 306-317. (JCR index 2.334. Ranking 31/156, Q1).
-A chickpea Kunitz trypsin inhibitor is located in cell wall of elongating seedling organs and vascular tissue (2007). T. Jiménez, I. Martín, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Planta 226: 45-55. (JCR index 3.058. Ranking 20/152, Q1).
-The immunolocation of a xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase specific to elongating tissues in Cicer arietinum suggests a role in the elongation of vascular cells (2006). T. Jiménez, I. Martín, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. J. Exp. Bot. 57: 3979-3988. (JCR index 3.630. Ranking 11/147, D1).
-Transcriptional profiling of cell wall protein genes in chickpea embryonic axes during germination and growth (2006). J. Hernández-Nistal, E. Labrador, I. Martín, T. Jiménez, B. Dopico. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 44: 684-692. (JCR index 1.847. Ranking 36/147, Q1).
-A family of β-galactosidase cDNAs related to development of vegetative tissue in Cicer arietinum (2005). R. Esteban, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Sci. 168: 457-466. (JCR index 1.605. Ranking 43/144, Q2).
-The gene for a xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase from Cicer arietinum is strongly expressed in elongating tissues (2005). S. Romo, T. Jiménez, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 43: 169-176. (JCR index 1.556. Ranking 46/144, Q2).
–In vivo expression of a Cicer arietinum β-galactosidase in potato tubers leads to a reduction of the galactan side-chains in cell wall pectin (2005). I. Martín, B. Dopico, F.J. Muñoz, R. Esteban, R.J.F.J. Oomen, A. Driouich, J.-P. Vincken, R. Visser, E. Labrador. Plant Cell Physiol. 46: 1613-1622. (JCR index 3.317. Ranking 16/144, Q1).
-Brassinolides and IAA induce the transcription of four a-expansin genes related to development in Cicer arietinum (2004). M.A. Sánchez, I. Mateos, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 42: 709-716. (JCR index 1.414. Ranking 49/138, Q2).
-Cloning of a Cicer arietinum β-galactosidase with pectin-degrading function (2003). R. Esteban, B. Dopico, F.J. Muñoz, S. Romo, I. Martín, E. Labrador. Plant Cell Physiol. 44: 718-725. (JCR index 3.159. Ranking 13/136, D1).
-A seedling specific vegetative lectin gene is related to development in Cicer arietinum (2002). R. Esteban, B. Dopico, F.J. Muñoz, S. Romo, E. Labrador. Physiol. Plant. 114: 619-626. (JCR index 1.565. Ranking 33/135, Q1).
-The expression of a new Cicer arietinum cDNA, encoding a glutamic acid-rich protein, is related to development (2002) S. Romo, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. J. Plant Physiol. 159: 1375-1381. (JCR index 0.941. Ranking 66/135, Q2).
-Cold and salt stress regulates the expression and activity of a chickpea cytosolic Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (2002). J. Hernández-Nistal, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Sci. 163: 507-514. (JCR index 1.556. Ranking 34/135, Q1).
-Expression of a novel chickpea Rab-GDI cDNA mainly in seedlings (2001). F.J. Muñoz, R. Esteban, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 39: 363-366. (JCR index 1.333. Ranking 41/134, Q2).
-Water stress-regulated gene expression in Cicer arietinum seedlings and plants (2001). S. Romo, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 39: 1017-1026. (JCR index 1.333. Ranking 41/134, Q2).
-A cDNA encoding a proline-rich protein from Cicer arietinum. Changes in expression during development and abiotic stresses (1998). F.J. Muñoz, B. Dopico, E. Labrador Physiol. Plant. 102: 582-590. (JCR index 2.160. Ranking 17/142, Q1).
-Brassinolides promote the expression of a new Cicer arietinum β-tubulin gene involved in the epicotyl elongation (1998). F.J. Muñoz, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Mol. Biol. 37: 807-817. (JCR index 2.966. Ranking 11/142, D1).
-Increased expression of two cDNAs encoding metallothionein-like proteins during growth of Cicer arietinum epicotyls (1998). F.J. Muñoz, R.V. Ullán, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Physiol. Plant. 104: 273-279. (JCR index 2.160. Ranking 17/142, Q1).
-Two growth-related organ-specific cDNAs from Cicer arietinum epicotyls (1997). F.J. Muñoz, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Mol. Biol. 35: 433-442. (JCR index 2.852. Ranking 11/136, D1).
-Effect of water stress on the LiCl extracted-cell wall proteins and glycanhydrolytic enzymes during growth of Cicer arietinum epicotyls (1996) P. Valero, E. Labrador. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 34: 307-313. (JCR index 1.147. Ranking 38/126, Q2).
-Effect of auxin on cell wall glycanhydrolytic enzymes in epicotyls of Cicer arietinum (1995). P. Valero, E. Labrador. Physiol. Plant. 93: 764-770. (JCR index 1.700. Ranking 22/129, Q1).
-Acid and enzymatic degradation of cell wall from epicotyls of Cicer arietinum L. (1994). A. Ramos, E. Labrador. Plant Sci. 102: 41-47. (JCR index 1.257. Ranking 32/130, Q1).
-Effect of low temperature storage and ethylene removal on ripening and gene expression changes in avocado fruit (1994). J.P. Zamorano, B. Dopico, A.L. Lowe, I.D. Wilson, D. Grierson, C. Merodio. Postharv. Biol. Tech. 4: 331-342. (JCR index 0.818. Ranking 14/111, Q1).
-Inhibition of cell wall autolysis and auxin-induced elongation of Cicer arietinum epicotyls by β-galactosidase antibodies (1993). P. Valero, E. Labrador. Physiol. Plant. 87: 528-534. (JCR index 1.548. Ranking 24/121, Q1).
-Effect of osmotic stress on the growth of epicotyls of Cicer arietinum L. in relation to changes in the autolytic process and glycanhydrolytic cell wall enzymes (1993). F.J. Muñoz, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Physiol. Plant. 87: 554-551. (JCR index 1.548. Ranking 24/121, Q1).
-Effect of osmotic stress on the growth of epicotyls of Cicer arietinum L. in relation to changes in cell wall composition (1993). F.J. Muñoz, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Physiol. Plant. 87: 552-560. (JCR index 1.548. Ranking 24/121, Q1).
-Cloning and characterization of avocado fruit mRNAs and their expression during ripening and low-temperature storage (1993). B. Dopico, A.L. Lowe, I.D. Wilson, C. Merodio, D. Grierson. Plant Mol. Biol. 21: 437-449. (JCR index 3.493. Ranking 8/121, D1).
-Variations of cell wall peroxidases in epicotyls of Cicer arietinum during growth (1991). P. Valero, G. Nicolás, E. Labrador. Plant Sci. 74: 171-178. (JCR index 1.471. Ranking 19/124, Q1).
-Characterization, hydrolytic activity and variations throughout growth of a cell wall β-Glucosidase and a-Galactosidase from Cicer arietinum epicotyls (1991). B. Dopico, G. Nicolás, E. Labrador. J. Plant Physiol. 137: 477-482. (JCR index 1.060. Ranking 30/124, Q1).
-Cell wall structure regulates the autolytic process throught growth of Cicer arietinum epicotyls (1991). B. Dopico, F.J. Muñoz, G. Nicolás, E. Labrador. Physiol. Plant. 83: 659-663. (JCR index 1.685. Ranking 15/124, Q1).
-Characterization of a cell wall β-galactosidase of Cicer arietinum epicotyls involved in cell wall autolisis (1990). B. Dopico, G. Nicolás, E. Labrador. Physiol. Plant. 80: 629-635. (JCR index 1.772. Ranking 12/120, D1).
-Cell wall localization of the natural substrate of a β-galactosidase, the main enzyme responsible for the autolytic process of Cicer arietinum epicotyl cell walls (1990). B. Dopico, G. Nicolás, E. Labrador. Physiol. Plant. 80: 636-641. (JCR index 1.772. Ranking 12/120, D1).
-Changes during epicotyl growth of an autolysis-related β-galactosidase from the cell wall of Cicer arietinum (1990). B. Dopico, G. Nicolás, E. Labrador. Plant Sci. 72: 45-51. (JCR index 1.384. Ranking 22/120, Q1).
-Partial purification of cell wall α-Galactosidases and α-arabinosides from Cicer arietinum epicotyls. Relationship with cell wall autolytic processes (1989). B. Dopico, G. Nicolás, E. Labrador. Physiol. Plant. 75: 465-468. (JCR index 1.736. Ranking 12/121, D1).
-Partial purification of cell wall β-Galactosidases from Cicer arietinum epicotyls. Relationship with cell wall autolysis processes (1989). B. Dopico, G. Nicolás, E. Labrador. Physiol. Plant. 75: 458-464. (JCR index 1.736. Ranking 12/121, D1).
-An exo-β-D-glucanase derived from Zea coleoptile wall with a capacity to elicit cell elongation (1989). E. Labrador, D.J. Nevins. Physiol. Plant. 77: 479-486. (JCR index 1.736. Ranking 12/121, D1).
-Selected cell wall proteins from Zea mays. Assessement of their role in wall hydrolysis (1989) E. Labrador, D.J. Nevins. Physiol. Plant 77: 487-492. (JCR index 1.736. Ranking 12/121, D1).
-Relation of cell wall peroxidase activity with growth in epicotyls of Cicer arietinum. Effects of calmodulin inhibitors (1989). O.J. Sánchez, A. Pan, G. Nicolás, E. Labrador. Physiol. Plant. 75: 275-279. (JCR index 1.736. Ranking 12/121, D1).
-Autolysis of the cell wall. Its possible role in endogenous and IAA-induced growth in epicotyls of Cicer arietinum (1988). J. Seara, G. Nicolás, E. Labrador. Physiol. Plant. 72: 769-774. (JCR index 1.583. Ranking 14/121, Q1).
-Changes in cell wall composition of embryonic axes of germinating Cicer arietinum L. seeds. Effect of ABA and temperature (1987). E. Labrador, D. Rodríguez, G. Nicolás. Plant Sci. 48: 23-30. (JCR index 1.526. Ranking 15/86, D1).
-Characterization and localization of the cell wall autolysis substrate in Pisum sativum epicotyls (1986). B. Dopico, E. Labrador, G. Nicolás. Plant Sci. 44: 155-161. (JCR index 0.864. Ranking 36/84, Q2).
-Autolysis of cell walls in pea epicotyls during growth. Enzymatic activities involved (1985). E. Labrador, G. Nicolás (1985). Physiol. Plant. 64: 541-546. (JCR index 1.744. Ranking 8/89, D1).
-Turnover of cell wall fraction of Avena sativa coleoptiles at different growth stages (1985). B. de Pedro, E. Labrador, G. Nicolás. Acta Physiol. Plant. 7: 111-119. (JCR index 0.093. Ranking 111/121, Q4).
-Autolytic activities of the cell wall in rice coleoptiles. Effects of nojirimycin (1982). E. Labrador, G. Nicolás. Physiol. Plant. 55: 345-350. (JCR index 1.366. Ranking 15/89, Q1).
-Growth and cell wall changes in rice coleoptiles (1981). E. Labrador, I. Zarra, G. Nicolás. Plant Cell Rep. 1: 73-76. (JCR index 1.351. Ranking 18/84, Q1).
Plant Gene Register (PGR) en Plant Physiology
-An S-like Ribonuclease is expressed in Cicer arietinum epicotyls (Accession No. AJ012689). (PGR99-040) (1999). R. Esteban, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Physiol. 119:1149. ISSN:0032-0889. Am. Soc. Plant Biol. (USA).
-cDNA sequence encoding a lysine-rich H1 Histone of Cicer arietinum (Accession No AJ006767) (PGR99-020) (1999). B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Physiol. 119:806. ISSN:0032-0889. Am. Soc. Plant Biol. (USA).
-cDNA sequence encoding an Histone H2A from Cicer arietinum (Accession No AJ006768) (PGR98-215) (1998). B. Dopico, R. Esteban, E. Labrador. Plant Physiol. 118:1536. ISSN:0032-0889. Am. Soc. Plant Biol. (USA).
-A cDNA (Accession No AJ006766) from chickpea epicotyls that encodes a protein homologous to a Pi starvation induced protein (PGR98-140) (1998). F.J. Muñoz, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Physiol. 117:1525. ISSN:0032-0889. Am. Soc. Plant Biol. (USA).
-Sequence analysis of a cDNA encoding a ribosome associated p40 protein from chickpea (Accession No AJ006759) (PGR98-138) (1998). S. Romo, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Physiol. 118:330. ISSN:0032-0889. Am. Soc. Plant Biol. (USA).
-cDNA and deduced amino-acid sequence of a cytosolic aldolase (Accession No AJ005041) from Cicer arietinum L. epicotyls (PGR98-110) (1998). B. Dopico, F.J. Muñoz, E. Labrador. Plant Physiol. 117:720. ISSN:0032-0889. Am. Soc. Plant Biol. (USA).
-Ribosomal protein L24 homologue (Accession No AJ225027) is expressed in Cicer arietinum L. epicotyls (PGR98-092) (1998). R. Esteban, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Physiol. 117:717. ISSN:0032-0889. Am. Soc. Plant Biol. (USA).
-Isolation and characterization of a cDNA encoding a glyoxalase-I (Accession No. AJ224520) from Cicer arietinum L. epicotyls upregulated by stress (PGR 98-074) (1998). S. Romo, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Physiol. 117:331. ISSN:0032-0889. Am. Soc. Plant Biol. (USA).
-Isolation and characterization of a cDNA sequence CanSMT3 (Accession No. AJ001901) from Cicer arietinum L. epicotyls (PGR 98-069) (1998). F.J. Muñoz, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Physiol. 116:1605. ISSN:0032-0889. Am. Soc. Plant Biol. (USA).
-Isolation and characterization of a cDNA encoding a nonspecific lipid-transfer protein (Accession No. AJ002958) from Cicer arietinum L. epicotyls (PGR 98-035) (1998). S. Romo, B. Dopico, F.J. Muñoz, E. Labrador. Plant Physiol. 116:1191. ISSN:0032-0889. Am. Soc. Plant Biol. (USA).
-A cell wall, autolytic β-galactosidase that degrades pectins during cell wall loosening and elongation (2006). E. Labrador, B. Dopico. In “The Science and Lore of the Plant Cell Wall. Biosynthesis, structure and function”. (Ed. T. Hayashi) pp. 214-221. BrownWalker Press.
-Remodelling Pectin Structure In Potato (2000). J.P. Vincken, B. Borkhardt, M. Bush, C. Doeswijk-Voragen, B. Dopico, E. Labrador, L. Lange, M. Mccann, C. Morvan, F. Muñoz, R. Oomen, I. Peugnet, B. Rudolph, H. Schols, S. Sorensen, P. Ulvskov, A. Voragen, R. Visser. In “Phytosfere`99 – Highlights in European Plant Biotechnology”. (Eds: G.E. de Vries, K. Metzlaff). Elsevier Science.
-Efecto sobre la autolisis y el crecimiento de un anticuerpo anti β-galactosidasa de paredes celulares (1995). P. Valero, E. Labrador. En «Nuevos Conceptos sobre el desarrollo estructural y funcional de los seres vivos”. (Eds. J.J. García Marín, M.A. Serrano, A. Tabernero). Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (Spain).
-β-Galactosidasas de pared celular de Cicer arietinum. Su relación con el crecimiento (1991). B. Dopico, E. Labrador. En «Investigación en Ciencias Biomédicas I» (Eds. J.J. García Marín, M.A. Serrano y M.D. Rodríguez) Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (Spain).
-Actividad peroxidásica en paredes celulares de epicotilos de Cicer arietinum. Posible regulación por calmodulina (1991). O.J. Sánchez, E. Labrador. En «Investigación en Ciencias Biomédicas I» (Eds. J.J. García Marín, M.A. Serrano y M.D. Rodríguez) Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (Spain).
-Peroxidases and cell wall growth by epicotyls of Cicer arietinum L. Possible regulation by calcium and calmodulin and relationship with cell wall loosening» (1989). G. Nicolás, O.J. Sánchez, J. Hernández-Nistal, E. Labrador. In “Cell Separation in Plants». (Ed. D.J. Osborne and M.B. Jackson) pp.377-382. Springer-Verlag.
–Trichoderma harzianum Root Colonization in Arabidopsis (2015). A. Alonso-Ramírez, J. Poveda, I. Martín, R. Hermosa, E. Monte, C. Nicolás. Bio-protocol 5(13): e1512.
-Plantas transgénicas (2004). B. Dopico. In “Actas del Centenario 1903/04-2003/04” (Ed. I.E.S. Ezequiel González). pp. 189-203.
-Calcium in cell walls from chick-pea epicotyls in relation with growth. Effects of calmodulin antagonists (1995). J. Hernández-Nistal, A. Pan, P. Valero, E. Labrador. Life Sci. Adv. Plant Physiol. 14: 73-79.
-Specific tissue proteins 1 and 6 are involved in root biology during normal development and under symbiotic and pathogenic interactions in Medicago truncatula (2021). L. Albornos, V. Casado‑del‑Castillo, I. Martín, J. M. Díaz‑Mínguez, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Planta 253: 7 (JCR index 4.540. Ranking: 44/239, Q1).
-Pectic galactan affects cell wall architecture during secondary cell wall deposition (2020). M. Moneo-Sánchez, A. Vaquero-Rodríguez, J. Hernández-Nistal, L. Albornos, P. Knox, B. Dopico, E. Labrador, I. Martín. Planta 251: 100 (JCR index 4.116. Ranking: 40/235, Q1).
–Promoter activity of genes encoding the Specific Tissue protein family in the reproductive organs of Medicago truncatula (2019). L. Albornos, I. Martín, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Biologia Plantarum 63: 785-796. (JCR index 1.601. Ranking: 114/234, Q2).
-β-(1,4)-galactan remodelling in arabidopsis cell walls affects the xyloglucan structure during elongation (2019). M. Moneo‑Sánchez, A. Alonso‑Chico, J.P. Knox, B. Dopico, E. Labrador, I. Martín. Planta 249: 351-362. (JCR index 3.390. Ranking: 41/234, Q1).
-Overexpression of Cicer arietinum βIII-Gal but not βIV-Gal in Arabidopsis causes a reduction of cell wall β-(1,4)-galactan compensated by an increase in homogalacturonan (2018). I. Izquierdo, I. Martín, L. Albornos, J. Hernández-Nistal, P. Hueso, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Journal of Plant Physiology 231: 135-146. (JCR index 2.825. Ranking: 55/228, Q1).
-Three members of Medicago truncatula ST family (MtST4, MtST5 and MtST6) are specifically induced by hormones involved in biotic interactions (2018). L. Albornos, I. Martín, J. Hernández-Nistal, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Physiology Biochemistry 127: 496-505. (JCR index 3.404. Ranking: 38/228, Q1).
-Knockout mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana β-galactosidase (subfamily a1). Modifications in cell wall polysaccharides and enzymatic activities (2018). M. Moneo-Sánchez, L. Izquierdo, I. Martín, J. Hernández-Nistal, L. Albornos, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Biologia Plantarum 62: 80-88. (JCR index 1.384. Ranking: 120/228, Q3).
-Three members of Medicago truncatula ST family are ubiquitous during development and modulated by nutritional status (MtST1) and dehydration (MtST2 and MtST3) (2017). L. Albornos, I. Martín, E. Labrador, Dopico B. BMC Plant Biol. 17: 117. (JCR index 3.930. Ranking 19/222, D1).
-Subcellular location of Arabidopsis thaliana subfamily a1 β-galactosidases and developmental regulation of transcript levels of their coding genes (2016). M. Moneo-Sánchez, L. Izquierdo, I. Martín, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 109: 137-145 (JCR index 2.724. Ranking: 49/211, Q1).
-Organ accumulation and subcellular location of Cicer arietinum ST1 protein (2014). L. Albornos, J. Cabrera, J. Hernández-Nistal, I. Martín, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Sci. 224: 44-53 (JCR index 3.607. Ranking: 27/200, Q1).
-Coordinated action of β-galactosidases in the cell wall of embryonic axes during chickpea germination and seedling growth (2014). J. Hernández-Nistal, I. Martín, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Biol. 16: 404-410 (JCR index 2.663. Ranking: 48/200, Q1).
-Salicylic acid prevents Trichoderma harzianum from entering the vascular system of roots (2014). A. Alonso-Ramírez, J. Poveda, I. Martín, R. Hermosa, E. Monte, C. Nicolás. Mol. Plant Pathol. 15: 823-831 (JCR index 4.724. Ranking: 16/204, D1).
-βIII-Gal is involved in galactan reduction during phloem element differentiation in chickpea stems (2013). I. Martín, J. Hernández-Nistal, L. Albornos, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Cell Physiol. 54: 960-970 (JCR index 4.972. Ranking: 15/199, D1).
-Promoter activities of genes encoding β-galactosidases from Arabidopsis a1 subfamily (2012). L. Albornos, I. Martín, P. Pérez, R. Marcos, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 60: 223-232 (JCR index 2.775. Ranking: 40/195, Q1).
-ST proteins, a new family of plant tandem repeat proteins with a DUF2775 domain mainly found in Fabaceae and Asteraceae (2012). L. Albornos, I. Martín, R. Iglesias, T. Jiménez, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. BMC Plant Biology 12: 207 (JCR index 4.354. Ranking: 16/195, D1).
-The βI-galactosidase of Cicer arietinum is located in thickened cell walls such as those of collenchyma, sclerenchyma and vascular tissue (2011). I. Martín, T. Jiménez, J. Hernández-Nistal, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Biol. 13: 777-783 (JCR index 2.395. Ranking: 54/190, Q2).
-Abscisic acid delays chickpea germination by inhibiting water uptake and down-regulating genes encoding cell wall remodelling proteins (2010). J. Hernández-Nistal, I. Martín, R. Esteban, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Growth Reg. 61: 175-183. (JCR index 1.630. Ranking 70/188, Q2).
-The immunolocation of XTH1 in embryonic axes during chickpea germination and seedling growth confirms its function in cell elongation and vascular differentiation (2010). J. Hernández-Nistal, I. Martín, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. J. Exp. Bot. 61: 4231-4238. (JCR index 4.818. Ranking 12/188, D1).
-The location of the chickpea cell wall βV-galactosidase suggests involvement in the transition between cell proliferation and cell elongation (2009). I. Martín, T. Jiménez, J. Hernández-Nistal, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. J. Plant Growth Reg. 28: 1-11. (JCR index 2.438. Ranking 35/172, Q1).
-Two cell wall Kunitz trypsin inhibitors in chickpea during seed germination and seedling growth (2009). J. Hernández-Nistal, I. Martín, T. Jiménez, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 47: 181-187. (JCR index 2.485. Ranking 33/172, Q2).
-Immunolocalization of a cell wall β-galactosidase reveals its developmentally regulated expression in Cicer arietinum and its relationship to vascular tissue (2008). I. Martín, T. Jiménez, R. Esteban, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. J. Plant Growth Regul. 27: 181-191. (JCR index 2.109. Ranking 38/156, Q1).
-The accumulation of a Kunitz trypsin inhibitor from chickpea (TPI-2) located in cell walls is increased in wounded leaves and elongating epicotyls (2008). T. Jiménez, I. Martín, J. Hernández-Nistal, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Physiol. Plant. 132: 306-317. (JCR index 2.334. Ranking 31/156, Q1).
-A chickpea Kunitz trypsin inhibitor is located in cell wall of elongating seedling organs and vascular tissue (2007). T. Jiménez, I. Martín, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Planta 226: 45-55. (JCR index 3.058. Ranking 20/152, Q1).
-The immunolocation of a xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase specific to elongating tissues in Cicer arietinum suggests a role in the elongation of vascular cells (2006). T. Jiménez, I. Martín, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. J. Exp. Bot. 57: 3979-3988. (JCR index 3.630. Ranking 11/147, D1).
-Transcriptional profiling of cell wall protein genes in chickpea embryonic axes during germination and growth (2006). J. Hernández-Nistal, E. Labrador, I. Martín, T. Jiménez, B. Dopico. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 44: 684-692. (JCR index 1.847. Ranking 36/147, Q1).
-A family of β-galactosidase cDNAs related to development of vegetative tissue in Cicer arietinum (2005). R. Esteban, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Sci. 168: 457-466. (JCR index 1.605. Ranking 43/144, Q2).
-The gene for a xyloglucan endotransglucosylase/hydrolase from Cicer arietinum is strongly expressed in elongating tissues (2005). S. Romo, T. Jiménez, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 43: 169-176. (JCR index 1.556. Ranking 46/144, Q2).
–In vivo expression of a Cicer arietinum β-galactosidase in potato tubers leads to a reduction of the galactan side-chains in cell wall pectin (2005). I. Martín, B. Dopico, F.J. Muñoz, R. Esteban, R.J.F.J. Oomen, A. Driouich, J.-P. Vincken, R. Visser, E. Labrador. Plant Cell Physiol. 46: 1613-1622. (JCR index 3.317. Ranking 16/144, Q1).
-Brassinolides and IAA induce the transcription of four a-expansin genes related to development in Cicer arietinum (2004). M.A. Sánchez, I. Mateos, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 42: 709-716. (JCR index 1.414. Ranking 49/138, Q2).
-Cloning of a Cicer arietinum β-galactosidase with pectin-degrading function (2003). R. Esteban, B. Dopico, F.J. Muñoz, S. Romo, I. Martín, E. Labrador. Plant Cell Physiol. 44: 718-725. (JCR index 3.159. Ranking 13/136, D1).
-A seedling specific vegetative lectin gene is related to development in Cicer arietinum (2002). R. Esteban, B. Dopico, F.J. Muñoz, S. Romo, E. Labrador. Physiol. Plant. 114: 619-626. (JCR index 1.565. Ranking 33/135, Q1).
-The expression of a new Cicer arietinum cDNA, encoding a glutamic acid-rich protein, is related to development (2002) S. Romo, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. J. Plant Physiol. 159: 1375-1381. (JCR index 0.941. Ranking 66/135, Q2).
-Cold and salt stress regulates the expression and activity of a chickpea cytosolic Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (2002). J. Hernández-Nistal, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Sci. 163: 507-514. (JCR index 1.556. Ranking 34/135, Q1).
-Expression of a novel chickpea Rab-GDI cDNA mainly in seedlings (2001). F.J. Muñoz, R. Esteban, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 39: 363-366. (JCR index 1.333. Ranking 41/134, Q2).
-Water stress-regulated gene expression in Cicer arietinum seedlings and plants (2001). S. Romo, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 39: 1017-1026. (JCR index 1.333. Ranking 41/134, Q2).
-A cDNA encoding a proline-rich protein from Cicer arietinum. Changes in expression during development and abiotic stresses (1998). F.J. Muñoz, B. Dopico, E. Labrador Physiol. Plant. 102: 582-590. (JCR index 2.160. Ranking 17/142, Q1).
-Brassinolides promote the expression of a new Cicer arietinum β-tubulin gene involved in the epicotyl elongation (1998). F.J. Muñoz, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Mol. Biol. 37: 807-817. (JCR index 2.966. Ranking 11/142, D1).
-Increased expression of two cDNAs encoding metallothionein-like proteins during growth of Cicer arietinum epicotyls (1998). F.J. Muñoz, R.V. Ullán, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Physiol. Plant. 104: 273-279. (JCR index 2.160. Ranking 17/142, Q1).
-Two growth-related organ-specific cDNAs from Cicer arietinum epicotyls (1997). F.J. Muñoz, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Mol. Biol. 35: 433-442. (JCR index 2.852. Ranking 11/136, D1).
-Effect of water stress on the LiCl extracted-cell wall proteins and glycanhydrolytic enzymes during growth of Cicer arietinum epicotyls (1996) P. Valero, E. Labrador. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 34: 307-313. (JCR index 1.147. Ranking 38/126, Q2).
-Effect of auxin on cell wall glycanhydrolytic enzymes in epicotyls of Cicer arietinum (1995). P. Valero, E. Labrador. Physiol. Plant. 93: 764-770. (JCR index 1.700. Ranking 22/129, Q1).
-Acid and enzymatic degradation of cell wall from epicotyls of Cicer arietinum L. (1994). A. Ramos, E. Labrador. Plant Sci. 102: 41-47. (JCR index 1.257. Ranking 32/130, Q1).
-Effect of low temperature storage and ethylene removal on ripening and gene expression changes in avocado fruit (1994). J.P. Zamorano, B. Dopico, A.L. Lowe, I.D. Wilson, D. Grierson, C. Merodio. Postharv. Biol. Tech. 4: 331-342. (JCR index 0.818. Ranking 14/111, Q1).
-Inhibition of cell wall autolysis and auxin-induced elongation of Cicer arietinum epicotyls by β-galactosidase antibodies (1993). P. Valero, E. Labrador. Physiol. Plant. 87: 528-534. (JCR index 1.548. Ranking 24/121, Q1).
-Effect of osmotic stress on the growth of epicotyls of Cicer arietinum L. in relation to changes in the autolytic process and glycanhydrolytic cell wall enzymes (1993). F.J. Muñoz, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Physiol. Plant. 87: 554-551. (JCR index 1.548. Ranking 24/121, Q1).
-Effect of osmotic stress on the growth of epicotyls of Cicer arietinum L. in relation to changes in cell wall composition (1993). F.J. Muñoz, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Physiol. Plant. 87: 552-560. (JCR index 1.548. Ranking 24/121, Q1).
-Cloning and characterization of avocado fruit mRNAs and their expression during ripening and low-temperature storage (1993). B. Dopico, A.L. Lowe, I.D. Wilson, C. Merodio, D. Grierson. Plant Mol. Biol. 21: 437-449. (JCR index 3.493. Ranking 8/121, D1).
-Variations of cell wall peroxidases in epicotyls of Cicer arietinum during growth (1991). P. Valero, G. Nicolás, E. Labrador. Plant Sci. 74: 171-178. (JCR index 1.471. Ranking 19/124, Q1).
-Characterization, hydrolytic activity and variations throughout growth of a cell wall β-Glucosidase and a-Galactosidase from Cicer arietinum epicotyls (1991). B. Dopico, G. Nicolás, E. Labrador. J. Plant Physiol. 137: 477-482. (JCR index 1.060. Ranking 30/124, Q1).
-Cell wall structure regulates the autolytic process throught growth of Cicer arietinum epicotyls (1991). B. Dopico, F.J. Muñoz, G. Nicolás, E. Labrador. Physiol. Plant. 83: 659-663. (JCR index 1.685. Ranking 15/124, Q1).
-Characterization of a cell wall β-galactosidase of Cicer arietinum epicotyls involved in cell wall autolisis (1990). B. Dopico, G. Nicolás, E. Labrador. Physiol. Plant. 80: 629-635. (JCR index 1.772. Ranking 12/120, D1).
-Cell wall localization of the natural substrate of a β-galactosidase, the main enzyme responsible for the autolytic process of Cicer arietinum epicotyl cell walls (1990). B. Dopico, G. Nicolás, E. Labrador. Physiol. Plant. 80: 636-641. (JCR index 1.772. Ranking 12/120, D1).
-Changes during epicotyl growth of an autolysis-related β-galactosidase from the cell wall of Cicer arietinum (1990). B. Dopico, G. Nicolás, E. Labrador. Plant Sci. 72: 45-51. (JCR index 1.384. Ranking 22/120, Q1).
-Partial purification of cell wall α-Galactosidases and α-arabinosides from Cicer arietinum epicotyls. Relationship with cell wall autolytic processes (1989). B. Dopico, G. Nicolás, E. Labrador. Physiol. Plant. 75: 465-468. (JCR index 1.736. Ranking 12/121, D1).
-Partial purification of cell wall β-Galactosidases from Cicer arietinum epicotyls. Relationship with cell wall autolysis processes (1989). B. Dopico, G. Nicolás, E. Labrador. Physiol. Plant. 75: 458-464. (JCR index 1.736. Ranking 12/121, D1).
-An exo-β-D-glucanase derived from Zea coleoptile wall with a capacity to elicit cell elongation (1989). E. Labrador, D.J. Nevins. Physiol. Plant. 77: 479-486. (JCR index 1.736. Ranking 12/121, D1).
-Selected cell wall proteins from Zea mays. Assessement of their role in wall hydrolysis (1989) E. Labrador, D.J. Nevins. Physiol. Plant 77: 487-492. (JCR index 1.736. Ranking 12/121, D1).
-Relation of cell wall peroxidase activity with growth in epicotyls of Cicer arietinum. Effects of calmodulin inhibitors (1989). O.J. Sánchez, A. Pan, G. Nicolás, E. Labrador. Physiol. Plant. 75: 275-279. (JCR index 1.736. Ranking 12/121, D1).
-Autolysis of the cell wall. Its possible role in endogenous and IAA-induced growth in epicotyls of Cicer arietinum (1988). J. Seara, G. Nicolás, E. Labrador. Physiol. Plant. 72: 769-774. (JCR index 1.583. Ranking 14/121, Q1).
-Changes in cell wall composition of embryonic axes of germinating Cicer arietinum L. seeds. Effect of ABA and temperature (1987). E. Labrador, D. Rodríguez, G. Nicolás. Plant Sci. 48: 23-30. (JCR index 1.526. Ranking 15/86, D1).
-Characterization and localization of the cell wall autolysis substrate in Pisum sativum epicotyls (1986). B. Dopico, E. Labrador, G. Nicolás. Plant Sci. 44: 155-161. (JCR index 0.864. Ranking 36/84, Q2).
-Autolysis of cell walls in pea epicotyls during growth. Enzymatic activities involved (1985). E. Labrador, G. Nicolás (1985). Physiol. Plant. 64: 541-546. (JCR index 1.744. Ranking 8/89, D1).
-Turnover of cell wall fraction of Avena sativa coleoptiles at different growth stages (1985). B. de Pedro, E. Labrador, G. Nicolás. Acta Physiol. Plant. 7: 111-119. (JCR index 0.093. Ranking 111/121, Q4).
-Autolytic activities of the cell wall in rice coleoptiles. Effects of nojirimycin (1982). E. Labrador, G. Nicolás. Physiol. Plant. 55: 345-350. (JCR index 1.366. Ranking 15/89, Q1).
-Growth and cell wall changes in rice coleoptiles (1981). E. Labrador, I. Zarra, G. Nicolás. Plant Cell Rep. 1: 73-76. (JCR index 1.351. Ranking 18/84, Q1).
Plant Gene Register (PGR) en Plant Physiology
-An S-like Ribonuclease is expressed in Cicer arietinum epicotyls (Accession No. AJ012689). (PGR99-040) (1999). R. Esteban, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Physiol. 119:1149. ISSN:0032-0889. Am. Soc. Plant Biol. (USA).
-cDNA sequence encoding a lysine-rich H1 Histone of Cicer arietinum (Accession No AJ006767) (PGR99-020) (1999). B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Physiol. 119:806. ISSN:0032-0889. Am. Soc. Plant Biol. (USA).
-cDNA sequence encoding an Histone H2A from Cicer arietinum (Accession No AJ006768) (PGR98-215) (1998). B. Dopico, R. Esteban, E. Labrador. Plant Physiol. 118:1536. ISSN:0032-0889. Am. Soc. Plant Biol. (USA).
-A cDNA (Accession No AJ006766) from chickpea epicotyls that encodes a protein homologous to a Pi starvation induced protein (PGR98-140) (1998). F.J. Muñoz, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Physiol. 117:1525. ISSN:0032-0889. Am. Soc. Plant Biol. (USA).
-Sequence analysis of a cDNA encoding a ribosome associated p40 protein from chickpea (Accession No AJ006759) (PGR98-138) (1998). S. Romo, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Physiol. 118:330. ISSN:0032-0889. Am. Soc. Plant Biol. (USA).
-cDNA and deduced amino-acid sequence of a cytosolic aldolase (Accession No AJ005041) from Cicer arietinum L. epicotyls (PGR98-110) (1998). B. Dopico, F.J. Muñoz, E. Labrador. Plant Physiol. 117:720. ISSN:0032-0889. Am. Soc. Plant Biol. (USA).
-Ribosomal protein L24 homologue (Accession No AJ225027) is expressed in Cicer arietinum L. epicotyls (PGR98-092) (1998). R. Esteban, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Physiol. 117:717. ISSN:0032-0889. Am. Soc. Plant Biol. (USA).
-Isolation and characterization of a cDNA encoding a glyoxalase-I (Accession No. AJ224520) from Cicer arietinum L. epicotyls upregulated by stress (PGR 98-074) (1998). S. Romo, E. Labrador, B. Dopico. Plant Physiol. 117:331. ISSN:0032-0889. Am. Soc. Plant Biol. (USA).
-Isolation and characterization of a cDNA sequence CanSMT3 (Accession No. AJ001901) from Cicer arietinum L. epicotyls (PGR 98-069) (1998). F.J. Muñoz, B. Dopico, E. Labrador. Plant Physiol. 116:1605. ISSN:0032-0889. Am. Soc. Plant Biol. (USA).
-Isolation and characterization of a cDNA encoding a nonspecific lipid-transfer protein (Accession No. AJ002958) from Cicer arietinum L. epicotyls (PGR 98-035) (1998). S. Romo, B. Dopico, F.J. Muñoz, E. Labrador. Plant Physiol. 116:1191. ISSN:0032-0889. Am. Soc. Plant Biol. (USA).
-A cell wall, autolytic β-galactosidase that degrades pectins during cell wall loosening and elongation (2006). E. Labrador, B. Dopico. In “The Science and Lore of the Plant Cell Wall. Biosynthesis, structure and function”. (Ed. T. Hayashi) pp. 214-221. BrownWalker Press
-Remodelling Pectin Structure In Potato (2000). J.P. Vincken, B. Borkhardt, M. Bush, C. Doeswijk-Voragen, B. Dopico, E. Labrador, L. Lange, M. Mccann, C. Morvan, F. Muñoz, R. Oomen, I. Peugnet, B. Rudolph, H. Schols, S. Sorensen, P. Ulvskov, A. Voragen, R. Visser. In “Phytosfere`99 – Highlights in European Plant Biotechnology”. (Eds: G.E. de Vries, K. Metzlaff). Elsevier Science
-Efecto sobre la autolisis y el crecimiento de un anticuerpo anti β-galactosidasa de paredes celulares (1995). P. Valero, E. Labrador. En «Nuevos Conceptos sobre el desarrollo estructural y funcional de los seres vivos”. (Eds. J.J. García Marín, M.A. Serrano, A. Tabernero). Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (Spain).
-β-Galactosidasas de pared celular de Cicer arietinum. Su relación con el crecimiento (1991). B. Dopico, E. Labrador. En «Investigación en Ciencias Biomédicas I» (Eds. J.J. García Marín, M.A. Serrano y M.D. Rodríguez) Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (Spain).
-Actividad peroxidásica en paredes celulares de epicotilos de Cicer arietinum. Posible regulación por calmodulina (1991). O.J. Sánchez, E. Labrador. En «Investigación en Ciencias Biomédicas I» (Eds. J.J. García Marín, M.A. Serrano y M.D. Rodríguez) Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (Spain).
-Peroxidases and cell wall growth by epicotyls of Cicer arietinum L. Possible regulation by calcium and calmodulin and relationship with cell wall loosening» (1989). G. Nicolás, O.J. Sánchez, J. Hernández-Nistal, E. Labrador. In “Cell Separation in Plants». (Ed. D.J. Osborne and M.B. Jackson) pp.377-382. Springer-Verlag.
–Trichoderma harzianum Root Colonization in Arabidopsis (2015). A. Alonso-Ramírez, J. Poveda, I. Martín, R. Hermosa, E. Monte, C. Nicolás. Bio-protocol 5(13): e1512.
-Plantas transgénicas (2004). B. Dopico. In “Actas del Centenario 1903/04-2003/04” (Ed. I.E.S. Ezequiel González). pp. 189-203.
-Calcium in cell walls from chick-pea epicotyls in relation with growth. Effects of calmodulin antagonists (1995). J. Hernández-Nistal, A. Pan, P. Valero, E. Labrador. Life Sci. Adv. Plant Physiol. 14: 73-79.